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We realize your software projects

Development from the initial idea to the finished product

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Project Management

  • Analysis of your business needs
    • Requirements Engineering
    • Business Process Modelling
  • Breaking down your requirements into epics and stories
  • Close cooperation between business people and developers
  • Agile project planning and short feedback cycles


Customer satisfaction by rapid and frequent delivery of tailor-made applications. Your user experience is key to the success of the product. Therefore we integrate design aspects in the development process early on.


You don't have to waste time and money figuring out things on your own. We provide you with the information you need in order to successfully start or continue your project right now.

Our Customers


Produktivitätstechniken: Weniger Überstunden und mehr Freizeit


  Gestern noch bis spät in die Nacht gearbeitet und heute früh schon wieder unzählige Aufgaben auf der To-do-Liste? Überstunden bei wichtigen Projekten sind im Arbeitsleben ganz normal. Allerdings führen ständige Überstunden zu erheblichem Stress, welcher langfristig gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen kann. Dieser Artikel stellt verschiedenen Techniken vor, die Arbeitnehmern helfen, um produktiver zu arbeiten und so insgesamt für eine ausgewogenere Work-Life-Balance zu sorgen.   Die Eisenhower-Matrix   Die Eisenhower-Matrix ist eine der bekanntesten Methoden des Zeitmanagements. Dabei geht es um die Kategorisierung der Arbeitsaufgaben. Ziel ist es, die richtigen Prioritäten zu setzen. Dieses Prinzip ist auf eine Rede des amerikanischen…


Employees lose up to 3.5 hours of effective working time per week


According to a recent study, German companies still have some catching up to do when it comes to digitization. The results of the study come from the company UiPath. We have summarized them for you here.   Time lost due to lack of automation.   Employees lose about three and a half hours of effective working time each week due to recurring tasks that can be automated. In addition, more than half of employees feel they perform mostly repetitive tasks (58 percent). As a result, employees lack the time they need to devote to their core activities, such as customer…


Get the Current Transaction in Wildfly


Recently we had a problem with a broken transaction in an application running in Wildfly 20. javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: WFLYJPA0060: Transaction is required to perform this operation (either use a transaction or extended persistence context) We were not shure which line caused the exception, as the stacktrace was not very specific. So we debugged the application step by step and checked with the following code if the transaction was set to rollback or was still active: CDI.current().select(TransactionSynchronizationRegistry.class).get().getTransactionStatus() As long as the status 1 (ACTIVE) was returned the transaction was still valid, but at the subroutine the status switched to 4 (MARKED_ROLLBACK). We…


Stackoverflow in Tomcat 8.5.49 and 9.0.29


This week we set up a developoment environment on a new PC for a JavaEE project using Tomcat 8.5 (we downloaded the recently released version 8.5.49 to be specific). We started up the IDE, deployed the WAR on a Tomcat server and ran into the following error: javax.faces.view.facelets.TagAttributeException: […] Could not Resolve Variable [Overflow]: … After some research using our favorite search engine we came across: and So… sounds like there is a recursive file include? Strangely some weeks ago the project ran on our old developoment environment that had a Tomcat 8.5.14… Also these posts were relatively…


Docker for Windows and Host Volumes


The container management system Docker is quite useful for running services or applications in a controlled, isolated environment. In a lot of situations it is also useful to have directories inside a docker container mapped to a local folder on the host system. Especially in a development environment, where this setup allows you to modify source files (e.g. for a web application) in the host-volume directly in your IDE, and have the running docker service find those updated files immediately without the need for a deployment. Although Docker containers usually run Linux binaries, there is also the “Docker Desktop” suite…


WildFly 15 Bundle Database Driver And Datasource Into Application


This article describes how to bundle a database driver and the datasource configuration into an enterprise archive (EAR).  In my case I used WildFly 15 and MariaDB JDBC Client as the database driver for MySQL. The Java MySQL JDBC driver is under the GPL license and cannot be bundled into the application (at least for me).



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